Thursday, August 4, 2011

What can I do about my parents?

Okay so I'm 15 years old guy and my bedroom is right next to my parents. This is really bad as you can probably guess what happens. About five times a week, I hear my parents at it. This is driving me insane! I am literally gona go mad! One night if I hear them, I wont be able to stop myself screaming ' Shut the fuc* up! ' I never sware to my parents but this is killing me! I have a cold so its hard enough to sleep but when I hear their groaning I get really pissed of! How can I confront them or let them know I can hear them? I was up last night because of my cold and my parents. My mom asked me how I slept and I told her I did'nt. I said I though I heard them and she sort of said ' Yes me and your father were up in the night talking '. I mean shes just making crap up! How do I get over this and more importantly how do I get them to shut the hell up!? How would I talk to them or ask them to be quiet and if I cant do that, any ideas on how to ignore it? Thanks...

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