Saturday, August 6, 2011

Is it bad to let hunger pangs go on when dieting?

Do you only eat fruit or do you just snack on fruit? If it's the latter then it's fine. Your body just isn't use to not having the junk food that it's use to so it's going through a withdrawal. You are not starving yourself at 1400 calories a day. For lots of women 1400-1500 is the amount to maintain their weight and 1200 to lose it. You can also try veggies as a snack and some nuts. Though don't go overboard with the nuts because those can actually be unhealthy if you eat more than a serving. My favorite snack is celery and carrots with hummus. Though I don't eat much fat and added sugars so my body is use to eating healthy so the fruits and veggies fill me up.

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